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Which Books have this tree in it?

13.06.2014, 03:25

I want to buy a book that has this image in it. (DG-2224)

22.06.2014, 14:14
Hi, what's the reason you actually look for this particular painting? You will find the image in the album offered in Shop page of this website. I suppose this painting is also in most major publications, such as "The Fantastic Art of Beksiński". You may try to find it on Amazon, or Ebay. Hope it helps. Regards. A.

23.06.2014, 17:16
I own that book ..it's not in there or Beksiński1, Beksiński1, or Zdzisław Beksinski 1929-2005. I just really like it and want it preserved in a hardcover book.

23.06.2014, 17:17
*Beksinski 2

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